Multipurpose material
In an era of such materials as glass, aluminium and silicon, one may get the impression that timber is passé. Nothing could be further from the truth! Anywhere we go there are numerous objects that couldn’t be made without the use of timber.
It is estimated that nowadays timber material of choice for about 30 thousand applications: timber and wood-like materials are used i.e.: in construction, mining, power industry, to produce agricultural and industrial machinery, floors, furniture, boards, paper and packaging, tools, musical instruments, sports equipment, toys or office supplies.
It is estimated that nowadays timber is a material of choice for about 30 thousand applications.
Provenance, the manner of logging and physical features of timber make it the most natural and environmentally friendly material used on such a large scale. It’s an essential element of very popular nowadays eco lifestyle – in harmony with nature and health. In the face of climate changes it is important to remember that not only living trees tie significant amount of carbon dioxide. Wooden products are a great carbon dioxide container too.
The more developed and advanced economy is, the more timber it requires. During the last two decades the consumption of timber in our country increased two-and-a-half times. In 1990 Polish citizen consumed on average equivalent to 0,4 m3 of a round timber, now – over 1 m3. It is predicted that this rating will increase – up to values of other European countries (Germany uses annually on average 1,7 m3 of timber per capita, Czech Republic almost 1,5 m3 per capita, Italy 1,1 m3 per capita).