The Ministry of the Environment rejects the accusations of the European Commission

On Monday, September 11, before the Court of Justice in Luxembourg, a meeting was held on cessation of logging in the Białowieża Forest. At first, the meeting was supposed to deal with whole proceedings against Poland in relation to the Forest. Probably, still in September, the Court will decide whether the prohibition is maintained.

On Monday, September 11, before the Court of Justice in Luxembourg, a meeting was held on cessation of logging in the Białowieża Forest. At first, the meeting was supposed to deal with whole proceedings against Poland in relation to the Forest. Probably, still in September, the Court will decide whether the prohibition is maintained.

“Activities carried out by the Ministry of the Environment and the State Forests in the area of the Białowieża Forest are necessary for its protection. Moreover, they are in line with the provisions of the Birds and Habitats Directives” said Minister of the Environment Jan Szyszko after the meeting of the European Court of Justice of the European Communities (ECJ) concerning the Białowieża Forest.

The Minister of the Environment has emphasized that Poland has complied to the order to stop logging in the Białowieża Forest and that protection measures are taken only in places where they serve to ensure public safety.

“Poland is accused of commercial cuts. Nothing could be further from the truth, the trees are removed purely for protective reasons. There is not only bark beetle outbreak in the Białowieża Forest but there are also other pathogens that destroy stands and habitats” emphasized the Minister of the Environment.

According to Minister, all activities are carried out in accordance with the European Union law, provisions of Natura 2000, and Polish regulations.

Jan Szyszko pointed out that in the area of the Belarusian part of the Białowieża Forest no one has led to the expansion of spruce bark beetle and other pathogens.

“If we were given permission to remove a dozen of trees a few years ago, we wouldn’t have such trouble with the destruction taking place in the area of the Białowieża Forest as we have today” he noted.  

“In order to solve the problem of bark beetle invasion we have divided the Białowieża Forest into two parts. In 1/3 of the area of  commercial forest districts (i.e. on over 17 thousand ha) no action is taken as the ecologists’ demanded. The remaining part of the Forest (nearly 34 thousand ha) is subject to Natura 2000 conservation measures” explained Minister of the Environment.

The Minister clarified that these actions involve the removal of infected and dead trees from the Białowieża Forest which is aimed at preventing the spread of diseases, and of trees (also of other species) that are broken and pose a threat to public safety.

According to the representatives of the Ministry of the Environment, in order to ensure the continuity of species within the framework of the Birds and Habitats Directives it is necessary to act right away.

Initially, the European Commission requested only to clarify the definition of ‘public safety’. After questions from the Vice-President of the Court on how the EC would like to enforce the cessation of logging order, the EC representative asked the ECJ to take all necessary interim measures to impose periodic penalties on Poland.

The EC has four days to justify their demand. Poland has as much time to respond.