The organization of the State Forests, perfected for decades, is based on the principle of self-financing. As a result, the State Forests do not benefit from the taxpayers' money. Forest units operate at the national, regional and local levels. They employ a total of almost 25 thousand people.
The State Forests National Forest Holding is an organizational unit without legal personality. The basic document for the State Forests is the Forest Act of September 28, 1991. It defines the principles of forest management of the State Forests and in the forests of other ownership types. The structure of the organization is defined by its statute, released by the regulation of the Minister of the Environment in 1994.
The State Forests management model is based on a three-tier structure:
- Director-General of the SF appointed by the Minister of the Environment. He manages the organization by issuing ordinances and decisions. His office is the Directorate-General of the State Forests – a central unit and the advisory body to the director-general is the Council of the State Forests.
- Regional directorates of the SF (17). Their task is to supervise the subordinate units and to coordinate their activities.
- Forest districts (430). They conduct forest management on the basis of the forest management plan. The forest district manager is responsible for the condition of forest in the district area. The forest districts are divided into forest units.
The auxiliary function in relation to the above mentioned structure is performed by separate departments operating at national or regional levels. The departments of national reach are:
- The State Forests Information Centre - publishes magazines and books, runs the SF website, is engaged in promotion and organising events.
- Coordination Centre for Environmental Projects - coordinates the environmental projects of the State Forests, implements programmes for the Operational Programme "Infrastructure and Environment", analyses the prospects for financial aid for the forestry and wood sector.
- Forest Gene Bank 'Kostrzyca' - collects and stores the gene resources of trees and shrubs, conducts studies on resource conservation, produces bioprobes.
- Forest Culture Centre in Gołuchów – runs the Museum of Forestry, patronizes foresters' artistic creativity, is engaged in education.
- Forest Technology Centre in Jarocin - produces forestry machinery and equipment.
- Development and Implementation Centre of the SF in Bedoń - implements new technologies in the SF, provides training and courses, produces films, is engaged in printing.
- IT Department of the SF - creates software and databases.
Self-financing of the State Forests is possible because of the existence of the so called Forest Fund. The prosperous forest districts transfer their financial surpluses there so that the money may be used by other units. The Forest Fund also finances other projects, including those of national reach, e.g. education, research, building infrastructure, preparing forest management plans. Thanks to such model of management the State Forests is not a burden to the state budget – the financial means coming from the sales of timber are spent on other statutory tasks the organization is obliged to fulfil.